
Congratulations to Ensemble Performers!

Thank you for all the hard work on the part of the students below for their participation in the South Shore Music Teachers Association Ensemble Recital on Sunday, March 25 at House of Prayer Lutheran Church in Hingham.  Great listening, great stage presence, wonderful practicing on your own, super ensemble playing!!

Front row left to right:  Allie Ning, Diana Won, Eliza Mulder (student of Lenae Badger,) Micah Mulder

Back row, left to right:  David Won, Jr., Jacqui O’Leary, Rebecca Murray, Martha Bosworth, Michael Porter and Diana Flynn

Not pictured:  Matt Mulder, Micah’s and Eliza’s dad



Improvaganzas – A Studio First

thImprovisation has been, for time immemorial, at the heart of just about all composition.  When we improvise, our spirits are set free and our listening comes alive.  Through improvising, we become better interpreters and more expressive pianists.

Ever since the fall, we’ve been spontaneously creating music in the studio and at home.  We’re excited to share our creations on two occasions called “Improvaganzas”  These two evenings promise to be powerful and unique.

The dates are Friday, April 6 and Friday, April 27, both from 6-7 p.m.  Admission is free, but attendees may give a free-will offering to benefit a charity of the host family’s choice, supporting the “Music for Good” studio project.  Thank you to the Johnson/O’Leary Family and the Matt and Donna Porter Family for hosting!  

Please see the studio handout and let me know when you would like to attend!



Classical Recital on Sunday, February 4!


Thank you to all who performed in and attended the South Shore Music Teachers’ Association Classical Recital, held on Sunday, February 4.  Performing were Alexandra Ning, Rebecca Murray, Diana Won, David Won, Jr., Jackson Rowland (back left) and Justin O’Leary (back right.)  It was a stupendous recital and everyone played beautifully!  Unfortunately, Micah Mulder was ill and couldn’t perform.  We missed you, Micah!  Thank you, Ingrid Kotch, for always taking such great student photos!



Congratulations to All – Splendid Recitals!

Many thanks to all the students who performed on Friday, January 12, 2018, at the James Library in Norwell.  Both recitals were lovely.  I was delighted to welcome back Elizabeth and Emma Beyer, students of my colleague, Carmen Cardoza, and also Guest Artist, David Won, tenor.  Thanks to all the supportive family members and ESPECIALLY siblings, who were in the audience!



Composer Micah Mulder!

Congratulations to Micah Mulder, who is in the process of creating a beautiful new composition entitled “Etude in C Major.”  The piece is inspired by “Ave Maria.”  Micah, keep composing!
