
Zoom Improvisation Workshop with Composer Kevin Michael Sullivan – Wonderful Time for ALL!

Alison Barr’s students David Won Sr., Jim Gish, David Won, Jr., Diana Won, Micah Mulder, Eliza Mulder, Clayton Mulder joined Alex Bello (student of Janna Bruene) and Liam Cody, students of Ellyses Kuan, for an amazing Improv Workshop. Kevin Michael Sullivan wowed us with a brief history of improv and also had provided examples for the students to “prepare” in advance. Joining us as a special treat was Alec Toku Whiting, recent New England Conservatory graduate, who shared his insights as a composer/improviser and also demonstrated on the koto! Let’s do this again soon!

I’m thrilled to invite all my students to this wonderful workshop. Kevin will work with each one of you on some prepared improv pieces. Please let me know if you wish to participate! There is no extra tuition charge!


What a Year It Was! Year-End Slideshow

This slideshow captures our transition to virtual lessons. It is a poignant reminder of everything we did together and how YOU ALL – students and families alike – worked really hard to make it so positive and productive. I will never, ever forget this time with you. The slideshow, created by my niece, Siobhan Shamlian, will certainly help us all remember!


Midsummer Adult Piano Retreat Reimagined 2020

We couldn’t have described this any better than our participant Robin Roger did in this wonderful article for “Ludwig van Toronto.” It was a pleasure to put together and we learned so much that I can bring back to my private instruction!


Schedule Summer Lessons – One Lesson Tuition-Free

Thanks to all of you and to great technology options, the studio is functioning at full capacity! We are having a great time with remote lessons, Virtual Recitals, Special Topic Webinars, Zoom Group Classes (coming up) and a Zoom Master Class for High School Students. Progress has been amazing and you’re obviously getting a lot of satisfaction playing piano from the comfort of your homes!

Please think about signing up for Summer Lessons now! Scheduling is flexible as always and we can be online and switch back to in-person when we are safe to do so.

Please see new testimonials on virtual instruction:


Summer Music InstructionRemote and/or In-Person!

Image result for Music Clip Art


Popular Music**Theory**Regular Curriculum

Special Tuition Offering: Get One Extra (Tuition-Free) Lesson

3 45’s.$169.00  (4 lessons)                      3 60’s   $225.00 (4 lessons)

4-45’s $225.00  (5 lessons)                      4 60’S  $300.00 (5 lessons)

5 45’s $281.00 (6 lessons)                      5 60’s. $375.00 (6 lessons)

Days and Dates of Study: 

Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. – 12 noon and 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Weeks of Study:

June 16/17; June 23/24; June 30/July 1/(No July 7/8)/July 14/15; July 21/22; July 28/29. (More weeks may be added if my summer commitments are cancelled.)



Student Name(s):  


Phone Numbers: 

Your vacation weeks and scheduling options:

Please email registration and send a check to Alison Barr, 663 Whiting St., Hanover MA 02339 OR use PayPal address below.  Please deduct $10.00 from the total if paid on or before April 20, 2020.  

PayPal Address: (please use “send to a friend” option)   781-982-8920


Exciting Remote Piano Instruction begins Monday, March 16!

Cookie the Toucan is our Remote Piano Lesson Mascot!

Now Adding ZOOM! Please email me at if you would like to have your lesson on ZOOM!

We are now, until further notice, moving to FULL-TIME REMOTE INSTRUCTION! This will not be the same as in–person lessons, of course, but it will be a new and different opportunity for all of us, me included!

Please let me know whether you wish to use SKYPE or FACETIME (Apple – to – Apple)

1) For SKYPE, I am at +1 781-582-7245

Several of you have signed on already – thank you!       

For FACETIME  – I need the cell number you wish to use.  High School students, I can go directly to your cells if you/your parents give me that permission – I just need the number.   Please email it to me at

2) Your INTERNET Connection

I’ve had my internet connection upgraded to insure a strong and continuous connection during the busiest times.  If your piano room doesn’t have the best WI-FI, you can certainly try to set-up using a keyboard (if you have one). 
I also bought online an ethernet connect and cord that runs from my studio to my modem, but I know that could be tough for some.  Let me know if you need more information on this.
Please rest assured that you will likely be able see me and have my feed, and we’ll do our best if yours is not perfect.  If we can’t connect at all, then we’ll figure something else out. 

3) PLACEMENT of Device/Camera

My computer is placed on the TREBLE end of the piano.  It would be great if I can see your face, upper body, arms, hands and most of keyboard. Please test this well BEFORE your lesson so you know where to place the camera.

Large Screen!


Please have all your music ready, good lighting and A PENCIL.  Please keep all loud pets or rock bands 😆 out of the room during the time of the lesson. For younger children, a parent might want to stay within earshot in case anything is needed.I have tried to assemble as much of your music as I can, but I might need you to screenshot and send one of your pieces to my cell during the lesson. 


 I will contact or call you on your desired platform at ABOUT the time of your regular lesson!  I will try to stay on time, but don’t worry if I’m a minute or two behind.

I will quickly get back to you to answer any questions you may have.  I’m learning also and I know there will be glitches, but we’ll move forward together!
Thanks so much for your positive support and understanding and please take care-
Alison Barr