
Improvaganzas – A Studio First

thImprovisation has been, for time immemorial, at the heart of just about all composition.  When we improvise, our spirits are set free and our listening comes alive.  Through improvising, we become better interpreters and more expressive pianists.

Ever since the fall, we’ve been spontaneously creating music in the studio and at home.  We’re excited to share our creations on two occasions called “Improvaganzas”  These two evenings promise to be powerful and unique.

The dates are Friday, April 6 and Friday, April 27, both from 6-7 p.m.  Admission is free, but attendees may give a free-will offering to benefit a charity of the host family’s choice, supporting the “Music for Good” studio project.  Thank you to the Johnson/O’Leary Family and the Matt and Donna Porter Family for hosting!  

Please see the studio handout and let me know when you would like to attend!