It’s a bit harder than usual to see and hear each other during these times, so we’re going to highlight a student each week – and post a video of his/her playing!
Here is our FIRST student, David Won, Jr., playing Chopin’s Prelude Op. 28 # 20 in c minor. David is a sophomore at Norwell High School and, besides piano, he loves to sail, travel and hang out with his sister, Diana! Please enjoy this performance!
Sponsored by South Shore Music Teachers Association
Saturday, December 12, 2020
10:00 a.m. – 12 noon
Participants from 2019 Playathon and Coffeehouse Fundraiser:
So many of you took part last year and we’re offering it again this year, only virtually!
Each student will Zoom in for 30 minute-segments and play a short selection of any music, including Holiday MusicTo raise funds for Rosie’s Place, Father Bill’s Place and Pine Street Inn.
Everyone is invited to participate for this great cause!
Yes, we’re beginning 2020-2021 completely online with great energy and musical content in store! I’m pleased to announce new curriculum components and offerings, as well as ongoing favorites:
**African-American Composers Project
**Nature in Music Exploration – Improvisation
**Classroom Maestro/Midi Keyboard Theory Learning in lessons
**MyMusicStaff Online Scheduling and Make-up Options
**Zoom Lesson Platform with Optimal Views and Sound
**Music for Good – Social Action Opportunities including Virtual Playathon
**Creative Practicing Blog
Please check your email for ZOOM Invitation (Standing Meeting Room for the Year) and also updates on Optimal Zoom Sound Settings!
It’s a pleasure to learn and embrace best practices of virtual piano teaching! I now have students in New Zealand, Manhattan and around Massachusetts, but I remain most committed to all of you! Off we go!
Alison Barr’s students David Won Sr., Jim Gish, David Won, Jr., Diana Won, Micah Mulder, Eliza Mulder, Clayton Mulder joined Alex Bello (student of Janna Bruene) and Liam Cody, students of Ellyses Kuan, for an amazing Improv Workshop. Kevin Michael Sullivan wowed us with a brief history of improv and also had provided examples for the students to “prepare” in advance. Joining us as a special treat was Alec Toku Whiting, recent New England Conservatory graduate, who shared his insights as a composer/improviser and also demonstrated on the koto! Let’s do this again soon!
I’m thrilled to invite all my students to this wonderful workshop. Kevin will work with each one of you on some prepared improv pieces. Please let me know if you wish to participate! There is no extra tuition charge!
This slideshow captures our transition to virtual lessons. It is a poignant reminder of everything we did together and how YOU ALL – students and families alike – worked really hard to make it so positive and productive. I will never, ever forget this time with you. The slideshow, created by my niece, Siobhan Shamlian, will certainly help us all remember!