
“Music Meets Art” Winter Recitals a Huge Success!

You can not imagine how moved and exciting it was to have in-person Winter Recitals at House of Prayer Lutheran in Hingham. The playing was stupendous and the artwork was so original and thoughtful, portraying each piece performed so well! Thanks to Lauren, Rebecca, Allie, Liam, Sean, Christian, David Sr., Diana (above) and Kathryn, Amara, Micah, Rebecca, Guy, Bob, Eliza, Winter, Linux, Clayton and Naomi (below). Thanks, Rebecca, for playing twice and thank you to the Anderson Family and friends for helping with the piking up afterwards!



Songwriting Workshop with Kate Bass!

What a wonderful and exciting experience this was. On Sunday, January 9, 2022, we were all captivated by Kate Bass. She led us through all the in’s and out’s of songwriting – structure, lyrics, harmony, melody. We all wrote some lyrics, led by Kate’s prompts. It was pretty amazing what we came up with! I think many will continue putting their new lyrics to melodies. We’ll definitely have a follow-up in the spring. Thank you, Kate!


Holiday Playathon a Huge Success!

About 50 students of seven teachers played throughout the day, on December 13, 2021, at House of Prayer Lutheran Church in Hingham. Our studio participants were: Allie, Sean, Kathryn, Christian, Rebecca, Bob, Naomi, Clayton, Eliza, Micah, Amara, Linux, Winter, Jim, David Sr., David Jr. and Diana. Guy was prepared to play but was unable to do so. We raised over $4000 for Father Bill’s & MainSpring. I especially thank all who donated and David Won Sr., who catapulted us over the top with a second, very generous contribution. So much appreciated at this time of year.


Music Notation – Old, New and YOURS!

Conducted by composer/pedagogues Alec Toku-Whiting and Kevin Michael Sullivan, this November 20th Workshop was a big success. It was attended by students of colleagues and also by ABarr students Liam A., Allie N., Micah M., Jim G., Sue W., Diane W., David W. Sr., and David W. Jr. We gained a vast amount of knowledge and insight!


Excited to Get New Music!

Naomi Mulder, the newest and youngest addition to our studio, sat down at the piano the evening of her lesson. She was eager to start on her newly-assigned holiday music! Go Naomi, and thanks to Amara, her mother and a fabulous pianist herself, for the great photo!

Naomi Mulder, at work on her new Christmas music!