
Thanksgiving Playathon a Huge Success!

On Saturday, November 18, several students performed at First Parish Norwell for the Thanksgiving Playathon.  We raised about $2700.00 for three shelters – Father Bill’s Place, Pine Street Inn and Rosie’s Place.  Also, the students who played fulfilled their “Music for Good” project.  Thanks for opening your hearts and sharing your music for the benefit of so many!

Congratulations to: Piper Levin, Delia Logan, John Logan, Harrison Logan, Justin O’Leary, Jacqui O’Leary, Sean Porter, Diana Flynn, Diana Won, David Won, Jr., Allie Ning, Kathryn Harrington and Micah Mulder.  Also, what a pleasure to have David Won, Sr. sing, accompanied by his children!

Please enjoy the photos below:IMG_8170IMG_8182IMG_8166IMG_8179




Congrats to the Pop and Jazz Participants!

20171029_161628On Sunday, October 29, several students participated in a very successful South Shore Music Teachers Association “Pop and Jazz Recital,” held at House of Prayer Lutheran Church in Hingham  Those playing were David Won, Jr., Diana Won, Micah Mulder, Allie Ning and Skye Mitterando, who played AND sang!  Everyone was beautifully-prepared and performed with great expression.  Here’s a photo taken by David Won, Sr.  More coming!


New Studio Project – MUSIC for GOOD!!

Our first “Music for Good” project – David Won, Jr. and Diana Won, along with their dad, David Won, Sr., played all the music of the regular church service at First Parish Congregational Church in Braintree on Sunday, October 8!  Congrats to Diana and David.  You created a lovely service for all the parishioners!

Here’s a photo from the very inspiring service:


This new, studio-wide project will be one of the most exciting we’ve ever experienced here at Alison S. Barr Music Studio.  Once you play your special MUSIC for GOOD!! concert, you’ll be able to add your own photo where Skye’s is in the flyer below –


I’ll be presenting some guidelines and setting up performance opportunities very soon, so stay tuned!

Music is a powerful force for good. People who hear music, especially those who may not have a lot of opportunity to hear live music, are given a chance to hum along, move a little, think of happy times they may have had and enjoy being with others who are listening. Also, your music can benefit a good cause, as in the Thanksgiving Playathon that raises funds for homelessness. As a pianist, YOU have the power to offer your music to someone who would benefit from it. This year, everyone in the studio will participate in an outside concert – either one I arrange or one you arrange yourself! Start thinking about where and when you might like to play. 


Studio Make-Up Class is Back! Wednesdays at 8:15 p.m.

If you ever have to miss your regular lesson, don’t despair!  There’s a great way for you to get your lesson in for the week!  It’s The Studio Class, held most Wednesdays at 8:15 – 9:00 p.m.  You may have a regular private lesson, or you may find yourself in a mini-class.  In any case, this is a SUPER alternative to missing your time altogether.  If you are planning to come, please let me know in advance, so I can plan accordingly.  If I need to cancel the class for any particular week, I’ll post it here!


First Group Class – Week of Columbus Day — Oct. 9, 2017

Please see Calendar Page for the details!
