
Two Fundraisers were Huge Successes

The Thanksgiving Playathon on Saturday, November 17 and the new “Coffeehouse” on Saturday, December 1 were both huge successes!  19 students from the studio played and many others from the studios of other South Shore Music Teachers Association members joined in.  We raised nearly $4400.00 to benefit Rosie’s Place, Pine Street Inn and Father Bill’s Place!  This money will help people in so many ways!  Here are some photos from the events (thanks to Alexander Bury for his great photo of me taking a photo!)  Please note that several students played in BOTH events – over and above!!

Participating were:

Guy Hoffman, Christian Bury, David Won, Jr. (both events,) Diana Won (both events,) Allie Ning (both events,) David Won, Sr. (both events,) Kathryn Harrington, Harrison Logan, Sean Porter (both events,) Eliza Mulder, Micah Mulder, Piper Flynn, Rebecca Murray, Fiona Roy, Jacqui Johnson, Theo Mitterando, Martha Bosworth, Kasey Ericson and Sam Rowland.
