
First Improvaganza a Huge Success! Next one on April 27!

On Friday, April 6, ten students played in our first Improvaganza, improvising in solos or duets.  We’ve been playing the “idea” of what we wanted to play, but not the specifics, so the music was truly fresh “on the spot.”  It was amazing.  Everyone was open, free and extremely spontaneous.  Participating were Sean Porter, Allie Ning, Jacqui O’Leary, Justin O’Leary, Skye Mitterando, David Won, Jr., Diana Won, Jack Rowland, Sam Rowland and Fiona Roy.

We’d all like to thank Jen Johnson and Stephen O’Leary for hosting in their beautiful home.  We were thrilled to play on their newly-refurbished Mason and Hamlin, Jen’s childhood piano!  Here are some photos:IMG_0598 IMG_0599 IMG_0602